R+D projects


Capacitive Deionisation for the Treatment of Brine from Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Plants

The DC-SOIAS project was created with the aim of developing a capacitive deionisation technology that allows the treatment of brine from reverse osmosis desalination processes of brackish water (mainly groundwater or continental), avoiding or minimising the impact that this type of waste effluent has on the environment and achieving a more efficient use of water resources by achieving an increase of at least 20% more fresh water with the same input flow and the same energy consumption.

This project aims to provide a solution to one of the current needs of society on a global scale, the management and sustainable use of water resources.

In summary, the aim of the project is the research and development of new technologies and industrial processes that are less polluting and require less energy consumption, and allow a more efficient use of natural water resources, providing a solution to the global problems of demand for water resources but without a negative impact on the environment and the conservation of natural resources.

It also involves the development of an unprecedented technology for the treatment of this type of effluent and water, capacitive deionisation, which is still in the laboratory research phase for the treatment of other types of water with lower salt content, mainly for water softening.


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Funded by the Challenges-Collaboration programme of the State Programme for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society in the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016 of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
Objective: To promote technological development, innovation and quality research.

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